
February 27, 2014 was a day that changed my life forever.  Being diagnosed with breast cancer (and to find out it was stage iv a few weeks later) at 33 years of age was shocking to say the least.  Since that day, I have taken the bull by the horns!  I have modified my eating, my mindset and lifestyle.  Yes, tit happens, but I truly believe how you deal with what life throws at you will have an impact on how (and if) you land on your feet.  On this blog I hope to share with you some of the food, products, activities and procedures I have embraced as part of my healing journey, updates on the status of my cancer, and just anything else I feel like blogging about .

If you wish to contact me, you can reach me at mriccio1980@gmail.com

2 responses to “About

  1. Hey girl, I’m Sonia’s sister. She posted your brazen woman article and I read it with pleasure. I want to give you a big virtual hug for your courage and unfailing positive outlook. You’re a great role model for the way you’re taking charge of your life and your health. You’re a badass! Keep it up.


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